My Latest Posts

Article about Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg, Ohio published in MidAmerica

My article “Multiple Awakenings in Sherwood Anderson’s Story ‘An Awakening’” just appeared in MidAmerica, volume 51 (2024) on pages 43-53. I used to teach this story from the book Winesburg, Ohio to my undergraduate English composition and literature students at…
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My poem “Songs for Two Dancers” appears in the Macramé Literary Journal

My poem “Songs for Two Dancers” appears in the Macramé Literary Journal (Fall 2024): I wrote this piece in 1973 and revised it in 2024. The poem describes a program of modern dance that I attended when I was…
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Obsessions and Bipolar Disorder in Jaimy Gordon’s Novel Lord of Misrule

Janet Ruth Heller’s article of literary criticism “Obsessions and Bipolar Disorder in Jaimy Gordon’s Novel Lord of Misrule” appears in the Pennsylvania Literary Journal, volume 16, issue 3 (Fall, 2024) on pages 162-193. I highly recommend this wonderful novel…
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