Published Poetry

“Offerings” poem published in Amethyst Review

Today, Amethyst Review, a literary magazine focused on spirituality, published my poem “Offerings.” The poem concerns a visit that my husband and I made to the shrine of San Xavier del Bac near Tucson, Arizona.  I had been trying to…
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Tanka Poem about Cedar Waxwings

My tanka poem “Cedar Waxwings” appeared in the Australian journal Eucalypt #35 (December 2023) on page 26.  The editor is Julie Thorndyke.  Eucalypt publishes tanka (five-lined poems similar to haiku) written by authors from all over the world, including India,…
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Poem about Pamela Brown Thomas of Michigan’s Underground Railroad

Panoply literary magazine recently published my poem “Pamela Brown Thomas” in its issue 25 of September 8, 2023. My poem concerns a real woman in the 1800s who helped the Underground Railroad in Schoolcraft, Michigan, and hid African Americans trying…
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